This is the period when you start seeing all your close friends mugging day & night for their final few days in Np and you just can't help it but to yourself" why didn't I study hard enough?"
Peektures for Surf & Sweat 2011 up! Really had lotsa fun spending my sunday morning with the comm people. Haven't been hanging out with them for quite sometime since they are always beeeeezy with SSC planning. Love the company x 10000! Esp with people like socks, yingsi, weiquan & michelle! I really misses the old GL days man =(
Peektures for mommey birthday up! dad not inside because he already fell asleep likea pig before we got the cakes ready HAHAHAHA! I LOVE YOU MOMMEY!
I'm not looking for no strings, you're not looking for a ring.
If you're ready for this fling, then meet me in the back.I never knew it'd be like this, such an unexpected twist, started off with just a kiss, I don't know how to act
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Like Davy Jones, I've got my heart locked up in the dead man chest. It's been left in there for so long, I forgot where the keys are. Please tell me you've got the keys. Please.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I hate to say this, but Damnnn I'm really getting old. Been raining for the past few days and I really hate it when the weather turns cold. All my past injuries are acting up again. Both my knees are feeling funny & my ankle is killing me. I really hope I will get well soon. I really miss kicking =(